Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A neighborhood

 your footsteps hitting the ground
one after another moving swiftly forward
 again and again,
 you go for a run around the block
 it's peaceful,
Your steps are rhythmic,
 Your friend next to you,
 their footsteps fall in with yours
the sound becomes routine.
 The neighborhood, a welcoming place
 a warm place, a safe place.
The early morning dew, still on the grass,
people trim their lawns,
And  fill the air with the calming smell of fresh cut grass,
 creates a perfect scene, a perfect place to be.


  1. This is so old! Do you have any more recent writing? Also, a small thing, but isn't the formatting messed up here? It seems like it isn't left justified.
    This is a light piece, and I'd love to read something with more meat in it from you.

  2. I really liked it, how you could picture it and everything. I think that at some parts you could have added a little more or something, but it was good.
